To establish the G.T.N. College of Nursing as a centre for providing a high degree of cognizance, prepare & inspire the students to expertise in Nursing profession through carving the youth as a dynamic, competent, valued and knowledgeable professionals who shall lead the Nation to a better future. The students will develop skills to succeed in today’s health care environment and research.
G.T.N.College Of Nursing is offering the basic course of Nursing which is a formal educational preparation that is based on sound scientific principles and the foundation on which the practice of Nursing is built on. The eminent faculty members of College Of Nursing are committed to the all- round development of the nursing students through quality education and clinical practice. College of Nursing prepares expert Nurse Clinician, Educator and Researcher to improve the health of Individuals, Families and Communities in the Nation and around the world.
To prepare the students to become an exemplary citizens by inculcating ethical principles in fulfilling personal, social & professional obligations.
To promote a scientific research attitude that helps in meeting the issues & challenges confronting the nursing profession.
To upskill the students with the latest trends & technologies in providing health care.